My Generation's Better Than Yours | Ohio Business Podcast | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

Episode 229: My Generation’s Better Than Yours

Baby Boomer Conversation | Generation Fights | Ohio Business Podcast

Meet Your Guests

Erin Cline, CPA, a supervisor in Rea's Medina office, works with the team to prepare and review complex and business tax returns. Additionally, she consults on a range of special projects. She regularly collaborates with others across the firm to ensure clients are being taken care of in all areas of their business. 

Cindy Kula, CPA/PFS, CFP, is a senior manager in the firm's Cleveland office where she is frequently consulted for her insight and expertise pertaining to tax-related pass-through entities with a focus on partnerships, real estate, dental practices, and financial planning. Cindy has worked extensively with the firm's younger professionals to ensure that they have the tools necessary to meet the diverse needs of the client.

Generation Conversations | The Best Generation | Ohio Business Podcast

It’s Time To End The Generation Wars

Today’s workforce consists of three distinct groups of people – Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials (with the oldest of Generation Z currently entering the workforce) – and they all seem to be arguing over which one is better.

Problem-solving, work ethic, and leadership skills are all up for debate. But, at the end of the day, it’s important to remember that, underneath the titles and classifications, we’re all just people who are looking to carve out a place in the world. 

On this episode of unsuitable, Cindy Kula, a baby boomer in Rea’s Cleveland office, and Erin Cline, a millennial in our Medina office, will attempt to get beyond generational differences to ultimately uncover the opportunities that cooperation in the workplace — regardless of age — can create.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • What generational differences exist and what are just stereotypes?
  • How diversity creates more opportunities.
  • What leadership needs to do to make inevitable generational shifts productive rather than disruptive.

Learn more about this topic:

Erin Cline & Cindy Kula | Podcast Interview | Ohio Business Podcast

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